Can Satan Create Life?
Q: Can Satan create life?
Satan can take life by killing, stealing and destroying, but Satan cannot create or give life. It is Jesus who can both create and give life just as the Bible teaches. People who think they have and are enjoying life because of the goods, fame, power and riches of this world that they may receive from Satan should not call that life.
We have heard stories of barren women who conceived and bore children after they consulted with Satan or any of his agents. Satan didn’t give them the child, he didn’t create the child, he most likely only removed the hindrance to their barrenness which was placed by the kingdom of darkness. But the woman gets more than a child, because in many cases, the child is possessed from infancy (sometimes from the womb), and ends up being a warlock, wizard, witch or someone who promotes the agenda of Satan.
Regardless of what the child becomes, they can be saved by the blood of Jesus which further proves they are God’s creation and not Satan’s. What Satan cannot do is give a child to whom God has pronounced barren, because he can’t open what God has shut. If he’s able to open it, it means he shut it and has the key to open it. But Jesus Christ and His servants (through His name) can open even what Satan shuts.
For those who would refer to the Nephilim as a type of life Satan created, understand that using a system of procreation to bring about something unnatural through cross-breeding is not the same as creating original life. Humans can create Ligers by joining lions with tigers, but that creation is not an original life. In the same way, Satan can manipulate but cannot create original life.
The magicians of Pharoah could replicate many of the things that Moses the servant of God did. But when it came to creating life from the dust like He did in Genesis, they couldn’t. God told Moses to strike the dust and it will become Gnats, and it was so. The magicians thought it was like the usual business of turning rods to snake, but this was different. This was creation. And they quickly understood it when they failed, acknowledging that it was the creative Finger of God, Exodus 8:16-19.
Satan cannot create any kind of life.
Read Genesis 1:1; 2:7, John 1:3-4, John 10:10, Revelation 9:11, Exodus 7:11-12, Genesis 6:1-4.