Can Satan Manipulate Time?
Q: Can Satan manipulate time?
Satan cannot change or manipulate time by making it faster or slower or in any such sense. God is the One who controls times and seasons. But there’s a sense in which Satan manipulates and steals the time and life of many. And this is a strategy many are not aware of. In being the god of this age and covering the minds of people from seeing the light of the gospel of Christ, Satan attacks and seeks to take control of their hearts and passions, souls and personalities (identity), minds and understanding, strength and time. Satan usually comes for the very things God wants us to love Him with—all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds, and all our strength. Since the question is on time, let me share a little about how he comes for our “strength” and by extension our “time”.
In coming for your time and strength, Satan would mostly keep you busy, he occupies you and seeks to keep you forever busy doing the wrong things, being around the wrong people, and staying or operating in the wrong places. By so doing, he spends your energy and steals your time. Your strength and energy are spent as you are engaged in all the wrong things that are not your divine purpose, and in the process, your time is spent moving in circles.
When Satan gets people buried through this strategy, the people are most likely to miss their divine times and seasons appointed by God for different phases of their lives. They miss it because they are too busy to recognize it, or too busy to jump on it (even though they recognized it), and when they jump on it they can’t hold it for long because they were too busy to prepare for it, and are still too busy to give it their all. This is the sense in which Satan steals or manipulates the times of people. It’s a deadly scheme that has buried many glorious destinies, projects, businesses, ministries, books, inventions, ideas, etc.
If you feel you’re currently entangled in this, pray and work on redeeming your time (strength) so you can love (serve and obey) God with it.
Read Daniel 2:21, Ecclesiastes 3:1, Luke 10:40-42, Ephesians 5:15-16, Haggai 1:5-6, Isaiah 40:31, Colossians 4:5, Hebrews 12:1-2.