Did Satan Tempt Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

Q: Did Satan tempt Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

    Although the name or title “Satan” wasn’t mentioned in the Genesis account of the fall of man, the serpent mentioned is the same person as Satan. In the book of Revelation 20:2, Satan is called “that old serpent”—that’s a direct reference to the serpent in Genesis 3.

    In 2 Cor 11:3, Paul mentions that the serpent deceived Eve, and later in the same chapter, we get to know who this serpent is—Satan, 2 Cor 11:12-14. So then, it was Satan who tempted Eve, and through her got to Adam, leading to the fall of man. And just as he tempted the first Adam, he also tempted the second Adam (Jesus Christ) but failed, Matt 4:1-11.

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