How Does Satan Attack Christians?
Q: How does Satan attack Christians?
When you read Ephesians 6:10-18, you find the spiritual armor of believers against Satan and the power of darkness. There are many layers of satanic attacks on Christians, but the first and most important is the attack to remove their armor. When he succeeds at this level, the gate is opened to other forms of satanic attacks and oppression.
The opposite of everything mentioned in Eph 6:10-18 is a satanic attack on Christians:
Eph.6.10 – When you’re always too weak to do anything spiritual (physical, mental and spiritual weakness), that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to be strong.
Eph.6.11 – When you’re not taking the whole armour of God, that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to put on the whole armour of God.
Eph.6.12 – When you fight humans, seeing them as your problems, mountains, enemies, etc., that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to know that the real enemies are spiritual.
Eph.6.13 – When you’re not standing, that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to stand.
Eph.6.14 – When you take a lie, tell a lie, or live a lie, that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to hold to the truth. Also, when you live in sin (secretly or publicly), that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to live in righteousness.
Eph.6.15 – When you’re not concerned or moving for the gospel, that’s a satanic attack because God wants you always prepared in season and out of season, ready to move for the gospel of peace.
Eph.6.16 – When you have doubts and a double mind, that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to be full of faith.
Eph.6.17 – When you’re not saved or walking in the salvation of God, that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to walk in salvation. Also, when you’re not reading, studying and meditating on the word of God, that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to know and have the word of God:
Eph.6.18 – When you’re not praying always with the Spirit and with the understanding, and interceding in prayers for others, that’s a satanic attack because God wants you to pray without ceasing.
See also 2 Corinthians 2:11, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 1 John 3:7-8, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Matthew 13:19, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18.