How Powerful is Satan Compared to God?
Q: How powerful is Satan compared to God?
Satan is powerful, even the Bible acknowledges that. Not only is Satan powerful, but some of his Princes are equally strong and mighty. Some are possibly more powerful than Satan himself. Take Leviathan for example, in the description of his abilities, God Himself said it would be a futile effort to try to win a battle against him because only He the Almighty God can command Leviathan and put him in his place.
Consider also the spiritual Prince of Persia who was able to arrest and resist the Angel Gabriel from visiting Daniel for 21 days, until Michael was sent to aid Gabriel. Michael himself in disputing with Satan concerning the body of Moses overcame not by his own power or might but invoked the Lord to rebuke Satan. This suggests that Satan is a more powerful being than Michael, and remembering that Satan is a cherub with an anointing, it is understandable.
Note that I am yet to talk about God the creator, I’m only talking about created beings. Let’s consider one more created being. This is an interesting one because we were not told of his name, his glory or his angelic order. We were just told that he is an angel and that he will single-handedly arrest, chain and imprison Satan (the great red dragon) for 1000 years.
Did you get that?
We don’t have to bring God into the picture when comparing power. That would be like asking how powerful a fish is compared to the ocean. No matter how big the fish is, its very life is sustained by the ocean. There’ll be no fish without the ocean, but the ocean would continue to exist without the fish. Of course, God is the ocean here, and Satan is the fish. And guess what, he’s not the biggest fish in the ocean.
Satan is undoubtedly and undeniably a big fish bigger than many, but he’s not even close to being the biggest fish. In fact, one of the things that led to his fall was attempting to raise his throne above the stars (angelic Princes) of God. That immediately tells us that there were thrones and angelic Princes way higher than him.
Satan is but a big, well-gifted and well-decorated tilapia fish that leads a school of smaller fishes. He’s not even in the shark order, talk more of the whale. But keep this in mind, even the biggest creature in the sea is still no match for the sea.
Read Job 1:12, Luke 22:31, Ezekiel 28:13-15, Isaiah 14:12-15, Daniel 10:12-13, Jude 1:9, Revelation 20:1-3, Isaiah 40:25, Colossians 2:15.