What is Satan’s Purpose?

Q: What is Satan’s purpose?

    Right now, Satan is consumed with the three-point agenda or purpose or objective of stealing, killing and destroying. This is what he and his hosts work on every day. Their primary target is those who believe in and follow the Lord Jesus Christ, John 10:10, Rev 12:17.

    The most powerful weapon Satan uses to achieve his purpose is deception. That is why he is called a natural liar, and that is why God laments that His people perish for lack of knowledge, and even Jesus mentions that the truth sets free, John 8:32, 44; Rev 12:9.

    The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride are also part of what he uses to deceive, enslave and destroy people. The believer that must overcome Satan must do so on three levels: overcome the flesh, overcome the world, and overcome the spirit of the world (Satan and his hosts). You overcome the flesh by the Spirit and the Word of God; you overcome the world by looking to Jesus and the cross, and you overcome the spirit of the world by being always kit with the full armour of God.

    See 2 Corinthian 4:4, 1 John 2:15-17, 1 Peter 5:8, John 14:30, Gal 5:16, John 16:33, Heb 12:2, Gal 6:14, Eph 6:10-18.

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