What did Jesus say about Satan?
Q: What did Jesus say about Satan?
This is a very good question, and a keen study of this can reveal a lot about the enemy to you and empower you to live victoriously. I will proceed to highlight what Jesus said about Satan as contained in the gospels, and it is my hope that you use them as a guide to study further.
A few thoughts from the gospels
- Lies and lack of integrity are from Satan, Matt 5:37
- We should pray for deliverance from the evil one, Satan, Matt 6:13, Luke 22:40
- Satan has a kingdom, and it is not a divided kingdom, Matt 12:25-26, Luke 11:21-22
- Satan through circumstances steals the seed of the Word of God in the hearts of people, Matt 13:19
- Satan sows tares (his children) among the wheat (God’s children), Matt 13:28, 39
- Satan has children among men, Matt 13:38
- Satan is not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men, Matt 16:2
- Satan is the tempter, Matt 4:1,3, Luke 22:31
- Satan is the father of lies, John 8:44
- Satan is a thief, killer and destroyer, John 10:10, Matthew 13:19, Luke 22:3-4, Rev 9:11
- Satan is fallen, Luke 10:18
- Satan has power but has been overcome by Jesus Christ, Luke 10:19, John 12:31, John 16:11, 33
This is by no means everything Jesus or the Bible teaches about Satan. But this should give you an understanding of who Satan is.