Is Satan Behind Every Sin?

Q: Is Satan behind every sin?

    Who was behind the sin of the first humans? Satan, Genesis 3:1–7. Where will all sinners end up? In the place of punishment originally prepared for Satan and his angels, Matthew 25:41. However, you look at it—because there are many ways to look at it—you will arrive at the conclusion that Satan and his demons are behind every sin.

    Sin is the transgression of the law. Satan is the lawless one and the temper that inspires and tempts people to sin and break the law. 

    Understand however that Satan alone is not to be blamed for every sin. The person who partners with and agrees with Satan to sin is equally responsible for their act of sin and will receive the full reward of their acts, Genesis 4:7, Romans 6:23, James 1:13-15, Gal 6:7-8. The only way to be free from Satan and the power of sin is through the grace of Jesus Christ, through His blood that was shed for us to receive forgiveness of sins, as well as redemption and salvation from death (the ultimate wage of sin), Ephesians 1:7, Romans 6:11-14.

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