Can Satan Take Human Form?

Q: Can Satan take human form?

    I personally believe he can, and here’s why:

    Satan is an angelic being, which means he is higher than mortal men. Remember that Jesus taught us that he that comes from above is above all (that are under). That insight can be interpreted to mean a lot of things, but one thing I believe it also means is that mankind who was made a little lower than the angels, by themselves have nothing with which to limit the higher order of the angelic. This means man may not take their form, but they can take ours. That is why you find angels in human form many times in the Bible, they were eating and drinking men’s food and drink, they were marrying and sleeping with women, and one was even physically fighting with a man. 

    Believe me, there are men and women in the occultic world who are high up in the ranks who meet with the Devil in person, i mean they meet with Satan in his human form, not just in spirit form. Know also that the Bible speaks of the human body as a garment and house. If so, it means that these higher spirits can choose to come in a human body (or suit) if they want. That is why we are enjoined to be hospitable because many have entertained angels unknowingly. But don’t think that only God’s angels have this privilege. Evil angels do too, including Satan their king. 

    Read Hebrews 13:2, Genesis 18-19, Genesis 6:1-4, Genesis 3:1-14, 2 Corinthians 11:14.

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