What Does the Bible Say About Satan?

Q: What does the Bible say about Satan?

    From the Bible we can tell that:

    Satan was created perfect; he was/is very gifted; he had access to the very presence of God; he was the chief of the Cherubim order; he was among the high sons of God; he was full of wisdom and very beautiful to look upon.

    Satan became proud because of his beauty and desired to elevate his throne by his own strength and wisdom (by which no one prevails) above the thrones of his brothers so he could be the first among his brothers, and next in rank after God, and thereby be like the Most High.

    His desire drove him to do wicked things and so God drove him out of his presence. He currently runs the world and is lord over all that is rebellious and not submitted to God. He has limited time until the execution of his judgement in which he will be cast into the lake of fire together with all his followers, never to be again.

    Isaiah 14:12-21, Ezekiel 28:12-19, Revelation 20:7-15

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    One Comment

    1. We pray God continues to keep his children and help them not to be followers of Satan.

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